The Mom Bod

It's amazing how much a woman's body can endure. We go through so much as moms, and we dont really give ourselves enough credit for everything we do. From carrying life inside of us to bringing that new life out into the world. It's truly incredible.

We often take for granted our bodies and compare them to others, wishing they could be different or look like  they did before going through nine months of pregnancy. It's hard to see your body transform so much, so quickly,  often wondering if you'll ever feel like YOU again. It can be difficult loving this new shape.

I distinctly remember the period after having my second child when I would avoid looking at my reflection just because I was afraid of how it would make me feel. Slowly but surely, I had to fall in love with my new body again. - my stretch marks, soft tummy, and scars included. It was a tiring period of reflection but one that lead to the redefinition of what beauty was to me. I'm braver now and I have a new found respect for what we can recover from;  my scars are a reminder that my babies are here.

Becoming a mother makes you find strength you didnt even know you had. From the sleep deprivation, aches and pains, soreness and the whirlwind of emotions...I wouldn't change a thing about it. Although I was in immense pain and my smile left my face multiple times, the joy and love in my heart remained.
Be kind to yourself.  You grew and protected a little human in that body. To all moms, you are powerful and strong. Whatever your birth experience was, it made you a mom and that alone should be celebrated.

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