Mommy Feature: Alanna Gonsalves

Your Motherhood journey is as unique as you are, and it can often feel like you're doing it alone. 

Let's face it, as rewarding as parenthood is, it's no easy feat. There is no one-size-fits-all manual (I wish there was!) on how to raise your kids but there are a variety of incredible and equally effective ways to do it! That's why we love hearing from our community of mamas who are tackling parenthood one day at a time. Today, we're chatting with Alanna Gonsalves, who will be talking about her experience as a mom and how she balances work and self care. 


1. Tell us about yourself 

Hey everyone! I’m Alanna Gonsalves, but everyone knows me as Lani. I’m a first time mom of a beautiful baby boy who is 1 year old now, Jed Joublon. I have a bachelor’s in Business Management, but started a catering business for healthy lunches (Lani’s Healthy Eats) as I noticed it was a niche market and I love cooking for people. Our friend, Covid-19, put that on pause and in that time I became a mom. Now I’m starting back up Lani’s Healthy Eats with salad dressing, chia jams & nut butters and hoping to expand into some more exciting things soon! 


2. What's the most rewarding thing about being a mom?

Honestly, just seeing him smile makes everything worth it. He is the sweetest baby boy and seeing him accomplish new things everyday with the biggest smile is a gift in itself! 


3. What was the most surprising thing you discovered about being a mom?

The most surprising thing to me was actually being able to do as much as I did on such little sleep! I’m a girl that could sleep for 12hours straight with ease, so I was so nervous about those sleepless nights. I always wondered if I would wake up when he cried or if I would sleep through it, but I did it. I woke up with every move he made. It’s crazy how much you change and adapt when you become a mom. 


4. What advice would you give to an expecting mom/new mom?

Sleep train that baby! 🤣 That’s the best thing I did for myself and my baby boy and I will preach it to any new mom! My boy would wake up so often in the nights and I was running on E. Once I knew he was getting enough milk for the day, around 6/7 months, I started sleep training using the Ferber method (Google it, you’re welcome). That first time he slept through the night I woke up the next morning feeling like a new person, a better person and mom for him. You have to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your baby to the best of your ability. Some mom’s forget that, but it’s so necessary! 


5. What's your favourite activity to do as a family?

As a family I think we have the most fun simply laying in bed playing all kinds of crazy games with our angel. Peek-a-boo and so much other things that just make him laugh his little heart out. Makes us melt every time!


6. Whats your favourite quote?

“You can’t pour from an empty cup” - see question 4 😁

Thank you so much Lani for taking the time to participate in our blog! Your positivity, adaptability and entrepreneurship is admirable! I know for sure I'll be looking up the Ferber method!

Make sure to check out her Instagram @lanishealthyeats for more about her awesome business and what it has to offer!

Keep an eye out for more Q&A blog articles of moms around Guyana! If you’d like to feature, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

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